Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Crafting: Gardening Apron (courtesy of Design Sponge)

So after the long Memorial Weekend crafting, I finally fell sick. I ran a temperature on Monday night and had to call in sick the next day. It was probably all that running in and out of the house. The MIL likes to keep the a/c at a freezing cold temperature, so I step outside frequently to keep warm, but I think i caught a chill because of that. Ugh.

Too restless to stay in bed, I decide to attempt a craft recently spotted on Design Sponge. Off on a tangent, did you know that they changed the look of their blog? I like the old one better because it felt more homely, cozy and friendly. Now the new layout looks so professional and screams "We mean BUSINESS".

But that's just me.

I'll still be following because they post lovely Pinteresting images and have loads of crafty tutorials and advice.

I read this Gardening Apron tutorial awhile ago, and bookmarked it for later. Today seems like a good day to attempt it. It is such an easy project and the tutorial comes with such clear cut instructions and pictures that it didn't take me much effort to make. I've been wanting to make something to thank a friend's mom because she has been such a lovely lady to J and I. She gave us a gazillion seeds from her seed stash, along with advice on how to care for them. She is a fantastic cook - there's always cookies sitting atop her kitchen counter, food in the fridge. She keeps home decor magazines for me, hoping to help me with my crafting inspirations. She is like a third mother to me!

So here is a picture of the finished apron.

Gardening Apron

Three pockets in the front! It doesn't have to be used for gardening, you could wear it to craft, to cook, to paint. It's such a nifty little piece!

If you do attempt it, share some pictures when you're done! I always love to see people's take on fabric choices or template variations. Ok back to bed. *faints*

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