Saturday, April 9, 2011

Penny Saver Tip #2: Reuse your egg cartons!

J and I finally started on our garden, it being spring time and all now. We bought some seeds, used some plastic cups for planters and started planting them a few days ago.


We planted broccoli, brussel sprouts, lettuce, thyme, rosemary, Thai basil, onions, 3 different types of squash, snow peas, yard long beans and tomatoes. I planted some sunflowers, marigolds and lavender for flowers, so I can't wait for them to sprout! Being first timers, we were quite unsure of what to do, like how much dirt to cover the seeds with, how much and how often to water. We read articles online but still felt like fidgety first time parents (nothing beats experience over knowledge)

A lovely regular at the museum, a grandmother of triplets, gave me some advice when i approached her yesterday. Grandma Trips, we call her, had brought in some gardening magazines for kids to craft with some weeks ago, so i knew she did some gardening of her own. We got down to some serious gardening talk but the best tip that stuck in my head was to re-use egg cartons as seed planters. Why buy new ones from Walmart or Lowe's when you can easily recycle your trash? Don't know why we didn't think of that in the first place, so we didn't have to waste a gazillion plastic cups!

I love talking to Grandma Trips, she is a gold mine of information.


I think i actually saw the beginnings of the broccoli and sunflowers. Phew! So we didn't kill them with our overzealous watering after all! I do hope the weather gets warmer soon. We don't need sudden frost to put our efforts to waste now, do we?


The J-man also got down and dirty ploughing and tilling the field to get it ready for transplanting. He fenced the area with some leftover bricks in the garden shed so the neighbour's dogs won't get to it (hopefully!) With everything set, we're just crossing our fingers for a good start to a year of bountiful harvests!

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