Saturday, May 4, 2013

May 4 : In my Cup

May 4: in my cup -- a well deserved glass of Pinot Grigio after a hard's day work of weeding on a cold windy day.  #fmsphotoaday

Well, it's technically a glass.

But it was so nice to have a glass of wine at the end of my backbreaking day. It was a sun-less, windy day and I was out in my garden clearing the weeds. We got a lot of rain in the past week, which is good for the plants -- they grew so tall! Except, the weeds popped out all over the place too. I want to believe that no plant is ever a weed, but this doesn't really apply when we're trying to grow a whole bunch of vegetables and have the grasses/dandelions/clover choke them out! I spent four hours bent over the garden, but I hardly made a dent!

I'll continue tomorrow. Hopefully, the sun comes out. It was too cold today! I'll post pictures of the garden soon, but it's not doing too well this year. The crazy weather is killing the little saplings! I hope your garden is doing better than ours!


  1. Good luck with your garden. =) I love that picture of your wine glass; the lighting is beautiful.

  2. The crazy weather really is a culprit! I planted more than 10 seeds of tomatoes and only 1 has ever grown. I don't know what I've done wrong... it must be the weather!! :( Looking forward to seeing your garden :)


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