Friday, May 3, 2013

May 3 : This is really good!!

May 3 : this is REALLY good!! #fmsphotoaday #dunkindonuts #rainbowsprinkles AND #strawberryfrosting

Now, THIS is really good! I asked for a strawberry frosted donut this morning at the Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru (best invention E-VAH!- the drive thru, i mean). Normally, they give me a plain strawberry frosted one. Today, I got a rainbow surprise! What a great start to my morning. I decided to pass on the good vibes throughout the day - taking phone calls patiently, and killing people with extra, extra, EXtra kindness. Needless to say, today was a happy Friday.


  1. Oh, so yummy! Have a restful weekend!

  2. You are making me buy some of their donuts!! Hahaha

  3. Mmmmm,,,,, donuts...... (Homer Simpson style)

    And yes, I've been away from blogland, but I'm trying to catch up! I can't wait for summer when hopefully I'll have more time!!!! Hope all is well!


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